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Life Coaching Today & CLCI Partner Up!

Updated: May 11, 2021

Life Coaching Today Cover, Magazine, Life Coach
Certified Life Coach Institute's Lead Facilitator on the cover of Life Coaching Today

Life Coaching Today and the Certified Life Coach Institute have joined forces and to start things off, Life Coaching Today has featured our very own Michael Torres Jaimes on it's October magazine cover. Both the founders of Life Coaching Today, Maxx Angenetta Jones and Dr. Stefany Jones, are Master Certified Life Coaches. Michael had the pleasure of teaching our Level 2: Master Certified Life Coach Class in Philadelphia to both Maxx and Dr. Stefany J. Not only did the ladies of Life Coaching Today love our Master Class, they also fell in love with our lead facilitator, dubbing Michael a "rising star" and to quote Maxx;

" Super awesome class today, super badass teacher!!!!! at the Certified Life Coach Institute."

October's article on Michael explores his business, how he got there, and where he is headed. From Dr. Stefany Jones:

"Michael Torres Jaimes has built a thriving business around his passion for inspiring and mentoring coaches around the world in business, lifestyle, and transformation. According to Michael, life wasn’t always this way, and hearing him tell it is something unlike I have ever heard."

For those of you who aren't familiar with Life Coaching Today, they are an amazing resource for certified life coaches to list their businesses, connect with clients, and to learn more about life coaching and the business of being a life coach.

Finally, if you aren't a life coach yet, but you want to be, we have over a decade of experience and over 11,500 life coach graduates just like Maxx and Dr. Stefany J, so sign up for one of our ICF accredited in-person 3-day life coach certification courses and if you read the October issue of Life Coaching Today there may be a little gift from us to you within it's pages so be sure to check it out!

Life Coaches, if you haven't already, be sure to join Life Coaching Today right now by clicking here.

If anyone is looking for a life coach you can use the Life Coaching Today directory by clicking here.

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